Vim Section Navigation

Normally #Vim uses easy to remember mnemonics like d2w (delete two words).
But when it comes to section navigation using ‘[[‘, ‘]]‘, ‘[]‘, and ‘][‘ it looks weired.
At least if you expect, that the opening and closing brackets are somehow matching opening
and closing braces.

(In C like languages function scopes {…} are sections …

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Updated Wombat256 Colorscheme

After working a while with the Solarized colorscheme I came back to my wombat256 colorscheme, which is based on the original wombat for gvim from Lars H. Nielsen. Yesterday I improved it a little bit to fix some issues that I didn’t like:

  • Fix background color of NonText
  • Add …
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YCM FixIt Feature

YouCompleteMe (YCM) is really an awsome plugin. But today this blog post is not about completion support, it’s about YCM’s FixIt feature. If you are developer and have seen already compiler errors like this:

expected ';' at end of declaration

then I’m sure you also thought already: “If …

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New Keystroke GUI with Vim support

I’ve created an updated version of my Keystroke-gui keylogger, which can be controlled by Vim Hooks. Keystroke is keylogger and visualizer which can be used for screencasts. This is especially useful when recording screencasts for Vim, because in Vim’s normal mode you cannot see what is typed, opposed …

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Fixed redraw issue in vim-konsole

A while ago I’ve written the little vim-konsole plugin which makes Damian Conway’s vim-autoswap working with KDE’s Konsole application.

This caused some redraw issues in Vim when switching buffers, whichs is very annoying. I needed to press C-L to force a redraw everytime this issue occured.

I …

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Using the system clipboard in Vim over an SSH session

One of the advantages of console Vim is, that you can use it in a console SSH session. This way you can work on a remote machine also on slow connections and don’t need laggy remote desktop software. This is even more important if the remote machine is a …

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Base64 decoding inside Vim

Today I needed to decode a part of Base64 data which was embedded in an XML file. Normally I would store this fragment in an own file and use the base64 commandline tool for decoding. But today, due to my recent Vim activities, I was asking myself if I could …

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